Monthly Archives: October 2015
Eagle Release

Thanks to Rachel Lucas, WSLS for covering the release of the last Kestrel rescued in June from downtown Roanoke. Watch channel 10 at 5:30.
Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vulture case 1204- 2015 is recuperating at the center. The patient was found in a field in Ferrum, unable to stand. Each day the vulture has shown improvement. On arrival the patient had a ornery attitude, which now has blossomed into full combat mode. We draw names to see who has to change his cage!
Prognosis is still guarded.

Oct 26, 2015: Come and get it! Expresso, our education Opossum is called for dinner. One of her favorite meals is a chicken leg.

I had the late shift at the center last night. I discovered the shivering woodchuck that was rescued from a cold creek by a precious (12 year old) girl was dying. I picked the limp body and held her, my heart broke and I cried. We had been treating the groundhog for pneumonia. We lost this battle. Rehabbing wildlife has it’s very difficult moments and this will go down as one of my most difficult ones. Now, I have to pick up the phone and call this concerned young lady’s parents, so she can be told her groundhog she pulled from under a rock in the creek will not be released. This is a double hit, my heart just broke again…
Sabrina Garvin
Executive Director

Coming to a foundation near you! Chipmunk ready for release. This little guy came in and was diagnosed by our veterinarian with pneumonia. He will be released after the forecasted rain leaves our area.