Monthly Archives: May 2017

This cold, wet woodchuck arrived a few days ago. He was the last of a litter of three to arrive from west Salem. All three were found laying lifeless in the yard with bite wounds. Tomorrow, we will post a follow up “mug” and much improved appearance. Lucky Garvin took a special interest in this case and spent hours nursing him back to health. Prognosis is still guarded due to the cat bites he received. # swvawildlifecenter #adorableanimals
Breaking records

Today, we have 128 active patients, beating our old record of 100. Each animal requires a clean cage, special diets, formula and some need medicine while others are fed every 20, 30, 45 to 60 minutes. Great job by the staff and volunteers that make this happen! Year to date we have triaged 583 cases which is 180% higher than last year. Consider donating at to help us.
Eastern Box turtle

Beautiful marked male Eastern Box turtle arrived after an informed rescuer realized he was not acting properly. Our veterinarian noted that he has been suffering long term from a respiratory illness and underweight, his prognosis is guarded. #swvawildlifecenter #easternboxturtle #reptilesrock

Bad featherdo? Fledge American Robin still has some downy plumes on the head, causing a cuteness overload. The center is intaking many patients and if you call to check on a patient status, please understand that it may take a us a few days to return the call. The center is busy taking in new or caring for the current patients. Consider donating to help with their food and medical cost. #swvawildlifecenter #americanrobin #adorablewildlife
Detective work

Roanoke City detective’s dog busted through the screen door and got hit. While the dog is receiving medical care, the detective returns home and hears the nest of Chickadees in distress. The detective takes time to contact the center and obtain help for the nestling chickadees. The wonderful officer is another #wildlifeheroes. The dog and chickadees are doing great. #swvawildlifecenter #chickadees
Eastern Fox Squirrel

The Eastern Fox Squirrel that arrived at the center in March is ready for release. This cute squirrel developed a distinguished silver muzzle. Fox squirrels are the largest of North American squirrels. In our geographic region they depend on mulberries, oak, fungi, and hickory nuts. #swvawildlifecenter #foxsquirrels #silverhairymuzzles

Emil and Chrys

Emil and Chrys are both #wildlifeheroes that participated an extraordinary rescue of this Green Heron. Chrys noticed the heron near the opposite bank on the New River, it’s leg and wing entangled in fishing line. Emil immediately swam across the river. Then while treading water, Emil, not having a knife, chewed through the fishing line freeing the heron! Emil then swam the waterlogged bird back across the river. The heron was lucky, suffering only exhaustion and hunger. He was released today back to his home. This heron would’ve died without their help. Help us this spring by donating to #greenheron #swvawildlifecenter #cutfishlinekillswildlife