Monthly Archives: June 2017

Thank you for the overwhelming response for release sites for our opossums. We will be contacting those chosen in the next few days. The center has plenty of opossums but not enough for everyone that offered their land. We will select locations that are convenient for the staff, since we are busy and need to be feeding animals at the center. SWVAWCR will keep a log of extra release locations for the late summer-fall Opossums. Again, thanks to everyone that emailed us. swvawildlifecenter@gmail.c
Rachel Lucas

Rachel Lucas, friend and volunteer stopped by today to see our new Virginia Opossum ambassador. Rachel loves working with opossums and is thrilled to meet our new team member. #swvawildlifecenter #virginiaopossum #RachelLucasWSLS
Bridget Anderson

Intern Bridget Anderson working the front desk with Captain Hook. Hook insisted on keeping an eye on the volunteers, while Bridget handled the numerous phone calls. #swvawildlifecenter #broadwingedhawks #wildlifeambassadors #wonderfulwildlifeinterns
American Robins

American Robins are the number one bird species we intake. With the development of human habitat, Robins can be a direct gauge of chemicals in the environment. Please consider using pesticide free products on your land. #swvawildlifecenter #americanrobins #firstsignofspring