Monthly Archives: August 2017
Eastern Grey Squirrel

This four week old Eastern Grey squirrel and others have been arriving in the last few weeks. It is a sign to rehabbers that fall is coming and migration has begun. Baby birds usually down at this time, except someone forgot to tell the birds! To donate go to: #swvawildlifecenter #easterngreysquirrel

Wally our Eastern Grey Squirrel ambassador, tucks himself in for a nap. To schedule a program and meet Wally call 798-9836. #swvawildlifecenter #easterngreysquirrel — with Kelli M. Knight.
Patient 1500-2017

Patient 1500-2017 was fortunate enough to be rescued by two lovely ladies at SML. The juvenile mallard had two fish hooks embedded; one in his beak and the other in the wing. Please do not cut or leave fishing line, hooks and sinkers behind; they become a hazard to all animals! The duck is being treated for inflammation and infection. X-rays tomorrow will determine the extent of the wing injury. #swvawildlifecenter #mallard
Virginia Opossums

“Get out of my pouch!” All of our orphaned Virginia Opossums are given a surrogate pouch to mimic their mother’s. They love to bundle up inside of it during the day while they all nap together. There are over one hundred species of opossums in Central and South America! But the only one you can find in the United States is the Virginia Opossum. #swvawildlifecenter #virginiaopossum
Eastern Cottontail

Baby Black Bear

Injured baby Black Bear arrived at the center late this evening after getting hit by a car in Roanoke County. The veterinarian has the baby sedated and on oxygen. The bear is in critical shape and prognosis is guarded.
Eastern Box Turtle

Another successful release! This Eastern Box Turtle had been injured after being hit by a car. With combined efforts from our center and the Wildlife Center of Virginia, we were able to fix the injuries completely. Now this turtle, a species in decline in Virginia, has another chance at life. #swvawildlifecenter #easternboxturtle

Each week this summer, Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center Educational Ambassadors traveled to Roanoke Valley SPCA and spent time with the Pre-Vet and Vet-Science camps. The Ambassadors shared their stories and taught lessons about care, respect and the importance of native Virginia wildlife. Thank you, RVSPCA campers! Tuskegee, Captain Hook, Zombie, Rio, Wally and Rachel were “wild” about the enthusiasm and interest each camper showed. #swvawildlifecenter