Monthly Archives: December 2015
New Year’s Eve

New Years Eve patient 1257 arrived at 7PM tonight. Lucky and I retrieved this Great Horned Owl from Lakeland Drive, after getting a call from Roanoke County Dispatch.
The owl is resting comfortably after the initial exam. Trauma to the head, eyes and right shoulder were noted.
We made the top 7 on WDBJ7

One of the top 7 stories WDBJ7 picked for 2015.

Cooper’s Hawk release. Thanks to Judy and John Loope for helping with the release and the wonderful photos.
Cooper’s Hawk

Cooper’s Hawk scheduled for release tomorrow morning. The patient’s concussion following an impact with a window in Roanoke City proved to be minor, resulting in a brief stay with us.
Thank you

Gorgeous painting SWVAWC received from Kim Cole and Don Hall. The artist is Rebecca Norton. Thank you!