
We offer off-site wildlife programs for any age group or organization. Each program is roughly one-hour long and can be tailored to fit your schedule. With the aid of our formerly wild education ambassadors, we share information about the importance of wildlife rehabilitation and conservation. All of our education ambassadors are formerly wild and due to various circumstances cannot be released. Thankfully, they now dedicate their lives to educating our community. Be sure to scroll all the way down on this page to see photos of our amazing ambassadors!

We commonly give programs to schools, youth and civic groups, Boy and Girl Scouts, nature clubs (bird clubs, Virginia Master Naturalists, etc.), veterinary programs, and more!

To submit a request for a program, please email us at

Please include the following info:

  • Time and date requested
  • Name and physical address
  • Age of attendees and approximate number attending
  • Contact name and phone number in case of an emergency.
Cost: $200 per program, or $300 for two programs on the same day. This contribution helps cover medical care, feeding, housing, and transportation for our education ambassadors. We also encourage in-kind donations from our wish list.
AND last but not least – check our events page for upcoming programs too!
NEW***We now offer 1-hour virtual programs for $100

Meet Our Education Ambassadors

Tuskegee, Red-tailed Hawk

Zombie, Eastern Screech-Owl

Chessie, Great Horned Owl

Rio, Eastern Box Turtle

Captain Jack, American Kestrel

Sable, Black Vulture

Rosie, Eastern Box Turtle

Princess Hairy, Virginia Opossum

Koda, Big Brown Bat

Elv-hiss, Eastern Kingsnake

Alby, Broad-winged Hawk

5985 Coleman Road, Roanoke, VA 24018
