Monthly Archives: November 2014
Bowl full of nuts!

This is what we call a bowl full of nuts!
These nuthatches came into our center one spring.
Chickadees, Raven, Crow and Loon Stories

Chickadees need waxworms, mealworms and other foods. Cost of food exceeds a dollar a day with each patient staying on average 45 days.
Raven, a very unusual patient for us at SWVAWC. They require high protein foods as mice, fruits and eggs. Cost per day exceeds $3.00. The cost of one mouse is $1.75.
Crow patients need high protein,fruit and vegetables . Cost for food for each bird per day exceeds $3.00
Loon, a very unusual bird for us to get in. When they arrive we have to replicate their species specific diet, which we do ! Please consider a donation?
Patient 1179-2014

Patient 1179-2014 from Blacksburg. The American Goldfinch arrived on November 1st with an abrasion to the left leg and the right leg had an infection in a joint. No details were given as to the cause of the injuries. Treatments were started and injuries have healed. Release will held off until the tail feathers needed for flight grow in.
Eastern Grey Squirrels

Our last two Eastern Grey Squirrels are down to one fed a day. Soon to be weaned. The center is getting quiet and low in patients. Patients that come in this time of year are usually in bad shape. Let’s hope it stays slow until the spring. I need to hibernate before spring baby season.
Cedar Waxwing

To our surprise the adult Cedar Waxwing that we expected to winter due to an attack by a cat was released. When the bird was attacked he lost all primaries on the right side and was unable to fly. Many birds don’t grow their feathers back until spring molt. To our relief the primaries grew in much quicker. His voracious appetite for our unending supply of berries must have done the trick! The patient and two juveniles were released together on Bent Mountain. Many thanks to Ed Kinser who kept vigilant watch and contacted me when a colony of Cedar Waxwings appeared on his property. Plenty of native berries were available making this a fantastic release site. Great team work helped rehab these Cedar Waxwing’s.
Eastern Screech Owl

Eastern Screech Owl is resting comfortably after a collision with a vehicle in Botetourt County.
Prognosis is guarded but our vet Dr Diane is hopeful. Come on EASO!