Monthly Archives: March 2022

(Pictured above is a rendering of the new shed/building. Approximate cost is ~ $7,500 after we add power, lighting, flooring, and air conditioning.)

Because of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) we are in the process of purchasing and building a new addition to our facility – AND could use your support in making this happen!
While we are always excited to expand, we are having to move very quickly to prepare for this new threat ahead of this year’s busy season. We can see upwards of 150+ patients a day during this time and any shutdown would be catastrophic to our Center.
HPAI is caused by infection with a highly infectious influenza virus and can cause rapid significant illness and death. Due to the high concentration and close proximity of birds in our center, we would use this new building to quarantine all possible disease carriers.
While most waterfowl, some shorebird, and seabird species, are usually asymptomatic, not showing symptoms of disease while infected, these species are the most likely to transmit the virus to other birds. The most susceptible are domestic poultry, raptors, avian scavengers (gulls, ravens, crows), and game birds (turkeys, grouse, quail). Most raptors and scavengers common in contact with this virus after eating one of the previously mentioned carriers of the virus.
DWR states HPAI is not contagious to humans – “As far as we know there have been no reported HPAI-related human illness in the United States…If you find dead wild upland game birds, avian scavengers, or five or more dead waterfowl, shorebirds, or seabirds in the same area within 1–2 days, please notify DWR at 855-571-9003.” – Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
Contribute here to help us get the building/shed!