Monthly Archives: October 2017
Tufted Titmouse

Tufted Titmouse caught by cat finished her antibiotic treatment today. Now, we must wait and see if the primary and secondary feathers grow back, which requires the bird to spend the winter at the center with us.
Screech Owl

It took many special people to help rescue this Screech Owl. First the rescuers that found the owl and cut him out of a barbed wire fence, then they called a police officer who contacted our center. Next, Dr. Laura Nelson drove-on her day off from Christiansburg to Bland and back to retrieve the owl. Haley then met Laura on I 81 to do the final leg of the journey to our center where it received the necessary vet care from Dr. Diane. The owl has severe bruising and feather loss on one wing; prognosis is guarded.
Lincoln Sparrow

Any guesses as to what I am? I’m a secretive little sparrow who has a very musical song that is only found in southwest Virginia during migration. I am currently recovering from ataxia after hitting with a window–I am a nocturnal migrant and probably got confused by the city lights in Roanoke and hit it as a result. Who am I?
Meadow vole

Meadow vole patient in rehab at the center. In Virginia, Meadow voles need a habitat of grass and vegetation 8 to 16 inches high and leaf litter. Many consider small rodents a nuisance, but these small creatures are vital in the food chain. From the voles’ point of view, planting non-native grasses and plants that grow and weave tightly, hinder their ability to move around and obtain food. As suburbia expands there is a greater need for us to plant natural habitat. Many land owners are working with VDGIF biologist to create these healthy habitats for our wildlife.
Flying Squirrel

Southern Flying Squirrel is enjoying her tiny log home. Soon she will be joined by a younger sibling who first has to gain a couple of grams. The flyer is accepting house warming nuts! Acorns, Hickory, Beech and Walnuts to cache for winter.
Great Horned Owl

Thanks to Leigh Collins for spending her Columbus Day driving this Great Horned Owl to the center. The owl was located on the ground next to a boat dock in Grayson County and taken to a local vet. The patient suffered trauma to one eye and had severe dehydration. More tests are pending. It is wonderful to witness a team of people that come together to save an animal.