Monthly Archives: November 2016
Barred Owl

Barred Owl collided and dented the fender of a car and lived! The couple then drove the owl in from Check, Virginia to get it help. Lucky graciously came to center tonight to help triage the owl. We are concerned about the wrist on one wing. The vet will do her physical in the morning.
Golden Eagle

Some staff at Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center of Roanoke took a road trip to see the Wildlife Center of Virginia release a Golden Eagle at Big Walker Lookout in Virginia.
American Crow

American Crow is flying and scheduled for release Saturday. Crow’s are smart enough to follow other birds and mammals while hunting and will steal their food. These birds have been documented using tools such as a stick to pry food from a hole.
Pileated Woodpecker

Dr. Diane released the Pileated Woodpecker in Raleigh Court; the woodpecker’s original neighborhood. The Pileated was at the center after she was found in a road. Tomorrow, we will post the video of the release in slow motion. #swvawildlifecenter
Sharp-shinned hawk

Patient 2016-1520 arrived after 8:00 PM tonight. The Sharp-shinned hawk was rescued in Wytheville, Virginia. #swvawildlifecenter

Thanks to Denise Preuss for transporting patient 2016-1517 to the center. The crow was spotted struggling and unable to stand in a parking lot. The rescuer did not have a phone or car and had to borrow numerous cell phones to make calls. After many attempts the rescuer reached Denise at home, who immediately went to gather up the patient. The crow is stable, but suffering from head trauma which has effected the eyes. Prognosis is guarded. #swvawildlifecenter
Northern Cardinal

Beautiful male Northern Cardinal continues to improve from his bite wounds. He was found in the ground and we are unsure what bit him. Cardinals do not migrate and can be seen all year. The female Cardinal is one of the few female songbirds that sing. The female even sings while brooding eggs in the nest. That is a happy bird!

You can’t see me! Rio, our education Eastern Box turtle likes to be incognito. When placing the leaves in her habitat, she charged out of the box to hide in the leaves. Turtles begin the process of hibernation in September,. Hibernation is essential, since needed foods are dying and unavailable until spring. Turtles hibernate 3-4 months. Only heathy turtles make it through winter. Sadly, most juvenile turtles never see their first spring.