Monthly Archives: October 2016
Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! From now until Christmas we will be offering Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center t-shirts or a decorative ornament as a gift option for anyone that donates over $35 to our center online. Once placing the donation, email us at to select your t-shirt or ornament. Some of the t-shirt options are shown below- featured in costumes to look like our educational animals Rio, Tuskegee, and Espresso.
Baby Squirrel

Our last baby squirrel opened her eyes! She is enjoying a comfortable surrogate bed made from one of the many donated fur coats. Thanks to everyone that donated their coats; we now have plenty for the spring babies to curl up in.
Northern Cardinal

Northern Cardinal released after a brief stint at the center. The patient collided with a window in Fincastle, Virginia, landing him in rehab. Cardinals are spotted year round in the south and north eastern parts of the U.S. Offering black oil, striped and safflower seeds on a platform feeder will attract these beauties to your yard.

We need to praise a great Rehabber, Gail Anderson. She is still feeding squirrels with a broken arm! As you can see, not much prevents the staff from caring for the injured and orphaned. Our staff is committed to caring for wildlife through rain, sleet , snow and broken bones; we are there to care.
Eastern Bluebird

Recovering Eastern Bluebird is out of his wing wrap. He was found on the ground with an injured and bloody wing in Blacksburg, Virginia. The bluebird is scheduled for our next open flight cage for conditioning. Currently, our outside flight cages are full with other adult birds.
Eastern Painted turtle

Injured Eastern Painted turtle arrived yesterday. The patient was caught by a dog and received a fractured shell that will need to be repaired.
Thank you

We are so grateful for your support! We could not do this without you! Please advocate for our wildlife, learn about our ecosystems and be the change you wish to see!