Monthly Archives: September 2016

Dr. Diane, releasing our second Eastern Screech owl this week. This owl was hit by a car and suffered eye trauma. After initial treatment our veterinarian transferred the owl to the Wildlife Center of Virginia for additional care. The owl was retuned to us for release in Roanoke. The rescuers were on hand to watch the patient fly off.
Snapping turtle

Snapping turtle that was ran over by a car needs transport from our center in Roanoke, VA to the Wildlide Center of Virginia. Please email or call us if you can help. 540-798-9836
Abbey Altice

Don’t forget to purchase a $1.00 ticket for a chance to win this adorable quilt that Abbey Altice and her mom made. The drawing is September 30h. All proceeds benefit Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center of Roanoke. Abbey has supported the center with other projects.. Please continue in supporting her by calling the center for a raffle ticket. 798-9836
Box turtle

Eastern Box turtle ready for release in Botetourt. The turtle had to recover from an abscess.
Gretchen Honaker

For her 11th birthday, Gretchen Honaker requested her guests to bring supplies for Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center of Roanoke instead of gifts. We were thrilled with the bountiful donations collected and the generosity of this wonderful young lady.

Morning Warbler found down in a yard. The center is seeing more migratory patients that are sadly hitting windows. Consider researching ways to cover or add. decals to windows to help deflect window strikes.

Neonate 18 gram squirrel arrived this morning. The rescuer kept this little girl warm overnight before bringing her in. She is on medication for her bruising on her abdomen that is developing from her fall. She will need to be fed every three hours at this age.
Scarlet Tanager

Beautiful juvenile male Scarlet Tanager. The patient arrived unable to stand and has recovered enough to be self feeding. We hope continued progress will allow us to release him soon.