Monthly Archives: March 2016

Just to tempt you, this is just a few pieces of wildlife artwork that go on sale tomorrow at Mac n Bob’s in Salem, VA. Local artist are donating 100% of the sale on each piece to Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center. These are fabulous works of art and we appreciate everyone that donated their time and artwork. Tomorrow we will post all the artwork, artists and prices. Come buy some beautiful art and support SWVAWC.
Virginia Opossums

Virginia Opossums were transferred to us from another center. Opossums this small are very difficult to keep alive and need feeding every 3 1/2 hours. If the babies suckled off mom after she was deceased that creates GI problems. Team SWVWC will give them great care and every chance possible.
Eastern Bluebirds

Eastern Bluebirds are laying eggs!
After the female lays the last egg, incubation begins for 11-19 days. The female builds the nest and the male brings her the material to weave. Nesting averages 20 days. Bluebirds have multiple broods each year and there is a 1 in 5 chance that one egg is fertilized by another male. Oops!
A face

A face everyone should love.
Our Eastern Red Bat is enjoying her fly larvae meal.
Red bats have 2-4 babies, unlike other bats that only have one offspring each summer. Their habitat is forest and hedgerows and their coloration helps them blend with the foliage.
Eastern Grey

Eastern Grey squirrels vying for the bottom position in their new nest. Thanks to Wildlife Rescue Nests for their new accommodations.
Eastern Bluebirds

Released one of the Eastern Bluebirds today. Thanks to great team work the patient had a successful recovery. The Bluebird was released back in the original area of rescue. We hope he will find his mate.
Program for Preschoolers

Judy Loope and Espresso doing a program for pre schoolers at Burlington Elementary School in Roanoke.