Monthly Archives: November 2015
good prognosis

The Red-shouldered hawk is in X-ray. Let’s hope for a good prognosis.
11.30.15 Update on the Red-shouldered Hawk’s x-rays. The wing passed but bruising of the right wing has significantly increased and created additional concerns. Let’s hope medicine and rest will help this gorgeous hawk be returned to the wild.
12.1.15:Red-shoulder hawk was transferred to the Wildlife Center of VA this morning. Prognosis is still guarded due to the severe bruising on the wing and now possible infection. We are thankful to have the WCV as our colleagues.

When I awakened Expresso our education opossum this morning, to give her a breakfast snack I was greeted with this cute mug.
Red-shouldered hawk

Dr. D’Orazio examining a beautiful Red-shouldered hawk. The patient arrived with a fractured humerus. X-rays will be taken tomorrow to determine if the fracture has begun to heal improperly. The hawk was taken to a clinic in Lynchburg on Friday and was transported to the center today.

Hook, checking out the location of his stocking (on the right). Please help fill our wildlife stockings and donate this Holiday season. Funds help the center feed and provide critical medical care to over 1200 animals we care for yearly.
Beautiful Grace

Beautiful Grace, our education Red-tailed hawk.
Please consider a donation to Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center this holiday season.
Our mission is to contribute to the protection of the ecological balance in the region through the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of injured or orphaned wildlife.

Pie-billed Grebe released. After transferring to the Wildlife Center of VA for a second opinion and cleared, the grebe was given freedom.
Eastern Screech

Eastern Screech was transferred to us from VMRCVM. The owl isn’t feeling the well after and assumed collision with a car on campus. Our veterinarian treated the patient but she is concerned about the vision. We hope with rest and time there will be a good outcome.