Monthly Archives: February 2015
Eastern Bluebird

Eastern Bluebird case 54-2015 recovering-from a collision with a car. He is a lucky bird and only suffered minor trauma and a few secondary feathers are missing. Thanks to the wonderful lady who stopped on route 221 to rescue him.
Yellow Shafted Flicker

Yellow Shafted Flicker was found hanging from a feeder by a leg. The broken leg has been stabilized. We hope nerve damage is minimal and time will determine the outcome.
Red tailed hawk

Patient 52-2015, a mature Red tailed hawk brought in by ACO from Craig County. Found down on route 615 and we suspect she was hit by a car.
Stay safe and warm today

Stay safe and warm today. Remember to put seed and suet out for the birds. Foraging is more difficult when the snow stays around for longer periods. The baby Fox Squirrel doesn’t want you to forget feed the squirrels too!
Jill Overstreet

Jill Overstreet hangs out weekly with Hook our education hawk. Hook likes it when Jill sings to him. We are working with him so he will be more comfortable doing programs.
male squirrel

The adorable male squirrel is gaining weight! Thanks to wonderful Gail Anderson for working her magic.
Baby Squirrel

The little male made it through the night, losing his sibling around 5 AM. I transferred this handsome fella this morning to Gail A. for further care. He looked great this morning and was eating. His siblings just suffered too much trauma.