Monthly Archives: September 2014
Eastern Screech Owl

Short video of an Eastern Screech Owl flying to the forest edge before disappearing. The owl was released in southwest Roanoke County in the area of rescue.
Eastern Screech Release

Eastern Screech released in Montgomery County on Den Hill Road. This owl was rescued by two young boys from the side of the road from a collision with a vehicle. The owl was weak and ataxic on admission. We stabilized the owl then sent the patient to the Wildlife Center of Virginia for further care. He is now back and hunting in his territory. Thanks to Judy Loope and Gary Greer for the transport.
Cedar Waxwings

We still have Cedar Waxwings. The youngest fledged to the branches with the older Cedar Waxwings and still begs! Blueberries, raspberries, greens, crickets, mealworms, pokeberries and other goodies are favorites!
Baby Squirrel

The 6 week old squirrel just mastered sitting up and eating solids. He and the siblings still get formula. New foods are slowly added at this stage to their diet while formula feedings are decreased until weaned.
Cedar Waxwings

Cedar Waxwing begs constantly, even with a full mouth. He is not worried about chirping with his mouth full! Feeding and amounts are monitored due to his voracious appetite. The Cedar Waxwing has a tendency to over eat in captivity. In the wild he would be competing with siblings and this would not be a problem.