Monthly Archives: June 2014
Three Blue Jays

Three Blue Jays happily chirping and chatting with each other. Blues Jays need their own species for socialization. Watching them interact is fascinating. The older ones talk to the younger jays. Wonder what they are telling them?
Eastern Grey Squirrel

The Eastern Grey Squirrel is now over 6 weeks old. His rescuers heard his screams up in the tree and witnessed him fall from the tree. He was cold and starving, since mom had been hit by a car. It is wonderful to watch them regain strength and survive.

More eggs arrived today that were in the process of hatching, I wish the nest could of been found. They are Grey Catbirds. They are in the incubator with the one surviving Eastern Phoebe that hatched yesterday.
Hatchling Phoebes

Watch closely at the movement in the egg. Even after 20 years of working with wildlife this still amazes me. The eggs were brought in after the mother (Eastern Phoebe) was attacked by a cat and died. She had been unable to tend to her eggs and away from the nest too long. Do we try? Yes, and we gently placed them in a makeshift nest in the incubator, still hoping but figuring it was over. Later, we would candle them to see if they were viable. Then the small crack appeared in one egg. Now the staff is hovering around the incubator tenderly feeding them. I really have a great crew this year and they make me proud. The Phoebes have a difficult road without mom but we are willing to try. These hatchlings are so small that two would fit on a dime.

Dag’ Nab-it! Feed me!
This catbird was not very happy to find out that I was only photographing versus feeding her.
Beautiful Eastern Bluebirds

Beautiful Eastern Bluebirds! Soon they will be placed in the outside aviary for their final phase of rehab. Good news!
Black Capped Chickadees

The Black Capped Chickadees begging for food. Here they are starting to fledge and were moved to a larger cage, then outside. They have been successfully released.