
An update on how you can help us with the current ongoing situation—if you are able to and would like to support us, please join us on September 4th at 7pm at the Public Planning Commission for a hearing on the approval of the Raptor Rehabilitation Building. If the Raptor Rehabilitation Building is approved, we will then need supporters again on Sept 25th at 7pm as we go before the Board of Supervisors in order to obtain the proper permit to build this building. Your attendance will show the county that you support the center and our mission to rehabilitate and release healthy wildlife. Showing the county that the community of Roanoke and beyond values the work we do will help them understand the importance of this state-of-the-art building that will help our patients have a quicker turnaround time. This structure will be used for strength conditioning eagles, hawks, owls, ravens, and other large birds prior to release back into the wild. We currently have to send raptors two hours away to another center, a process which is stressful on the bird and can delay their recovery time significantly. It is important that we have as many people, if not more, that attend these meetings, as the complainants are still challenging us every step of the way. Location for both hearings will be at the Roanoke County Administration Building (behind 419 West) at 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. For more info on the raptor structure, please click on Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center in the following link: https:// www.roanokecountyva.gov/ index.aspx?NID=278 Thank you for your support in this struggle thus far and we hope you’ll be able to join us. If you can’t attend, you can still email your thoughts about the raptor recovery building to planning@roanokecountyva.g ov