
I am angry again. A painted hoof? Yes!
It is a kidnapped fawn, that you let your children play with and paint nail polish on it’s hooves. While the children were playing, the fawn was dying. I hope this was a great experience for your family.
Finally, some kind teary eyed couple took the weak, hungry, cold, wet and comatose fawn from you, rushing the small one to our center. We could not save your illegal toy after the neglect it suffered at your hands. After two hours of life saving efforts we witnessed the little one die, breaking our hearts. This should not have happened.
Please leave fawns alone. Doe’s leave their fawns unattended during the day to protect them from predators (only she was not able to protect it from you). Newborn, gangly fawns cannot keep up with their mothers.
If you see a dead doe with a fawn, or an injured fawn, only then should you rescue.
Sabrina Garvin
Executive Director