Virginia Opossums

Update on “The shirt off his back”.
The Virginia Opossums are thriving and eating us out of log and home. The homeless soul that rescued them will never know that his efforts paid off.
Previous story posted in July: I answered a call from a gentleman who found baby opossums while hiking in Bedford. The babies were lying near their deceased mother. He wrapped all 7 up in an extra shirt that he had with him. I explained that he would need to drive them to Roanoke. He responded that he was homeless, without a car and walking 460 east when he found them. After gathering them up, he walked to the local sheriff”s office to find help and was given my number. The man stated that during his travels, he had rescued many injured animals.
Of course this touched my heart and I had to help him! I called our faithful volunteer Gary Greer, who turned his car east on 460 and picked them up.
I still have the man’s shirt.